Services for natural and legal entities:
- permission for permanent or temporary stay in Lithuania
We help to obtain permission for permanent or temporary stay in Lithuania. Our company takes care of handling all documents and obtaining permits that are necessary in order to get the status of a resident of the Republic of Lithuania and that would allow entering Lithuania as well as other state of Schengen area without any obstacles.
Services for legal entities:
- regular legal services
Depending on your requirements, you can apply to us for rendering both complete legal services for your company on contractual basis (contract – based personnel work, regular legal consultations, services on internal economic activities, claim resolving, representation of interests and defense at courts, etc.), and the services in respect of particular legal questions, including those which, for example, cause difficulties for legal service of your company
- legal assistance in solving legal disputes
We provide legal support when you face legal disputes in activities of your business. We resolve claims, make pretrial settlements of disputes, represent and defend interests of Your company at courts in all stages of a process from bringing a lawsuit (application) to fulfillment of a judgment.
- legal assistance in mutual relationships with state control institutions
We provide legal assistance in a process and on the basis of results of inspections by state control institutions, also in contest of illegal acts of state authorities and officers in higher institutions, and upon a legal order; we defend Your interests in case Your company is arraigned;
- personnel audit
We render legal assistance in the process of personnel work, also we make an analysis on accuracy of personnel documentation with regard to the practice of State supervision and control authorities that inspect how labor laws are observed; we prepare employment contracts, local standard acts and other labor-related documents;
- legal assistance in solving corporate legal questions
We render legal assistance for you in establishing business, also we take care of registration of companies of different organizational-legal forms at the State register; we prepare non-standard documents of incorporation of legal entities the conditions of which allows defending the interests of yours as a business owner; we defend you as a founder of a legal entity in disputes among founders in relation to participation in the Company and its management; we provide legal assistance in making transactions in your business, also we handle agreements on purchasing and selling your share capital , also sales and purchasing agreements of your company.